Wednesday, May 12, 2010


A couple of friends of mine are working on material for their band's upcoming album and they were kind enough to fly me out to collaborate on a song. This co-write was *so much fun.* My favorite part:

We were sitting in a circle in the writing garage starting to throw ideas out when out of nowhere Brian gasped, "Oh man...I forgot The Wig."

I thought he was kidding, but it turns out he likes to rock a wig when they're writing. And sometimes when he's going out with his wife. I'm going to pause and say that Brian is hands down one of the most interesting and hilarious personalities around. He also showed me that it's possible to drive while playing a baby taylor guitar. You steer with your knees. (Don't worry, only works if you have cruise control. I won't be multitasking any time soon.)

So, Russ begins digging through the bin of Halloween costumes in search of a wig and I am completely intrigued.

Me: So, you have an accent when you're wearing The Wig? Does it become an alternate personality or something?

Brian: No. Sometimes I just like to be a nice guy with long hair.

So great. Russ ended up finding an acceptable replacement for our writing session, but I have a feeling it didn't hold a candle to The Wig.

(Photo courtesy of Russ's iPhone. My phone is a glorified rectangle.)

I'm headed to UT to play 5 shows, record 2 songs, and attempt 1 co-write. I'll be home for a week, then it's off to L.A. ... I pinky swear to keep you posted.


  1. does this mean what I think it means?? Is colors really coming out with a new album?! AND, *you* are collaborating with them? Does life get any better?! Are you going to open for them at their show in September? Because last time, you were AMAZING...

  2. They totally are :) They pulled me in for their first "outsider" co-write and it was a blast. Not sure if they'll have me play in September, but that last show was so much fun!
