Friday, March 12, 2010

good stuff ahead

I'm playing a show with Cory Mon and Wes Kirkpatrick at The Walnut Room in Denver a week from today! 3/19/10...8pm...$10. Get your tickets here:
In other news...I've decided to see if running is as horrible as I've imagined. I'm thinking no, which is why I'm giving it a shot. I'm running my first 5k on May 1st, so I'm going to be starting a 6 week beginner program on Monday. I was always the girl who faked sick in P.E. so I wouldn't have to run the mile...or do pushups...or play volleyball. I think if I could go back in time, I'd tell the 12 year old me that the only way out is through. Time to find a decent sports bra.


  1. Sports bra...I need more like duct tape I wish I could run again

  2. haha :) Well, let's buy a roll. I'm seriously starting from scratch with this running thing. Should be pretty comical for the first few weeks.
