Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Witness Protection program

Hey you. Thanks for stopping by. I have good news all around:

1) I just released a brand new EP. It's a five song acoustic CD and it can't wait to go home with you. There are zombies and everything. Friendly zombies.

2) I also just launched my new website. http://www.stephaniemabey.com. Now, you may be wondering what is up with the name change if you have followed my music for a while. Here is the deal: I met the hottest geek on the planet, he put a ring on it and now I have a funky little last name. I've decided to embrace the Mabey, step out of the generic name arena and into a new chapter of my music. I'm crossing my fingers hoping that you'll come with me.

3) I am raising money for my new album on the website (http://www.stephaniemabey.com) and I'm offering you some sweet stuff for getting involved. CDs, shirts, personal theme songs, house shows....it's a fundraising wonderland. Come check it out.

4) I recently moved to Colorado. Now, between the move and the name change, it feels a little bit like I'm in the Witness Protection program...but I kind of love the idea of a fresh start. If you know anyone who digs my 'Stephanie Smith' stuff, please spread the word.

Many more good things on the way, kids.



  1. Does that last line mean you are pregnant? Just kidding. Hooray for site! Hooray for blog! Hooray for Zombie song!

  2. Just watched the video of you on KWGN and got so excited! Yay for new music! Yay for new last name! Mabey does have wonderful possibilities... definite upgrade. Yay for new everything! I'm definitely tagging along for the ride.

  3. Excited for you girl! It took a while for me to get used to Millhouse from Stevens... LOL 10 years and I am still trying to embrace it. Regardless, totally jealous you're in CO! Lovely place!
